An Introduction to our Working Groups

Activities performed by JOGA’s Working Groups

JOGA conducts multiple types of Working Group activities based on tasks needed, and we cease activities when goals have been achieved. Among these, the following Working Groups have been in continuous operation for more than 5 years.

Guideline Working Group

Creations include “Proclamation for safe and secure online games,” “Planning, design and operation guidelines for business models in the area of online games” and “Disclosure and operational guidelines in item sales that make use of randomly dropped items” (the aforementioned are open to the public), as well as “Best practices for online game service completion ~smartphone native application version~,” “Regarding JOGA’s elimination of underage users” and “Collected examples of random in-game items available for purchase” (the aforementioned are not open to the public). In addition, we also respond to inquiries from member companies regarding the aforementioned guidelines and best practices.

Customer support Working Group

In addition to information sharing in customer support services, we partner with consumer related agencies and create online game guides for consumer consultants. We also conduct public awareness campaigns in cooperation with consumer related agencies all across the country and conduct seminars, etc.

RMT Working Group

We conduct information sharing relating to RMT (real money trade), and give suggestions regarding JOGA activities as we ascertain the difficulties faced by companies involved in RMT.